Weekly Digest 07

Buongiorno! Last week’s weekly digest was put aside in favour of the monthly digest, and because I just felt relatively lazy. It happens, folks. 😛 Just like my current reading slump. I have a challenge to do, I have my books on my night stand and my Kindle’s fully charged. But I still can’t seem to bring myself to read something.

I tried reading a freebie that seemed relatively interesting, but the main character did something that annoyed me right off the bat. Then when I went to the next page, the text was all weirdly formatted and garbled, so I just decided to abandon it. It doesn’t seem like a huge loss. If the MCs were going to be like that for the whole book, I think I would have gone insane.

Here’s hoping for a more productive reading week!

This week on RMA:

Blog-o-plane, now boarding!

So how are you, my lovely readers? How has your week been? 🙂

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